39 research outputs found

    Multi-Platform Intelligent System for Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction

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    We present a flexible human--robot interaction architecture that incorporates emotions and moods to provide a natural experience for humans. To determine the emotional state of the user, information representing eye gaze and facial expression is combined with other contextual information such as whether the user is asking questions or has been quiet for some time. Subsequently, an appropriate robot behaviour is selected from a multi-path scenario. This architecture can be easily adapted to interactions with non-embodied robots such as avatars on a mobile device or a PC. We present the outcome of evaluating an implementation of our proposed architecture as a whole, and also of its modules for detecting emotions and questions. Results are promising and provide a basis for further development

    Detecting Gaze Direction Using Robot-Mounted and Mobile-Device Cameras

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    Two common channels through which humans communicate are speech andgaze. Eye gaze is an important mode of communication: it allows people tobetter understand each others’ intentions, desires, interests, and so on. The goalof this research is to develop a framework for gaze triggered events which canbe executed on a robot and mobile devices and allows to perform experiments.We experimentally evaluate the framework and techniques for extracting gazedirection based on a robot-mounted camera or a mobile-device camera whichare implemented in the framework. We investigate the impact of light on theaccuracy of gaze estimation, and also how the overall accuracy depends on usereye and head movements. Our research shows that the light intensity is im-portant, and the placement of light source is crucial. All the robot-mountedgaze detection modules we tested were found to be similar with regard to ac-curacy. The framework we developed was tested in a human-robot interactionexperiment involving a job-interview scenario. The flexible structure of thisscenario allowed us to test different components of the framework in variedreal-world scenarios, which was very useful for progressing towards our long-term research goal of designing intuitive gaze-based interfaces for human robotcommunication

    Gaze aversion in conversational settings: An investigation based on mock job interview

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    We report the results of an empirical study on gaze aversion during dyadic human-to-human conversation in an interview setting. To address various methodological challenges in as- sessing gaze-to-face contact, we followed an approach where the experiment was conducted twice, each time with a different set of interviewees. In one of them the interviewer’s gaze was tracked with an eye tracker, and in the other the interviewee’s gaze was tracked. The gaze sequences obtained in both experiments were analyzed and modeled as Discrete-Time Markov Chains. The results show that the interviewer made more frequent and longer gaze contacts compared to the interviewee. Also, the interviewer made mostly diagonal gaze aversions, whereas the interviewee made sideways aversions (left or right). We discuss the relevance of this research for Human-Robot Interaction, and discuss some future research problems

    On the role of trust in child-robot interaction

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    In child-robot interaction, the element of trust towards the robot is critical. This is particularly important the first time the child meets the robot, as the trust gained during this interaction can play a decisive role in future interactions. We present an in-the-wild study where Polish kindergartners interacted with a Pepper robot. The videos of this study were analyzed for the issues of trust, anthropomorphization, and reaction to malfunction, with the assumption that the last two factors influence the children’s trust towards Pepper. Our results reveal children’s interest in the robot performing tasks specific for humans, highlight the importance of the conversation scenario and the need for an extended library of answers provided by the robot about its abilities or origin and show how children tend to provoke the robot

    Model DPSIR jako narzędzie efektywnego zarządzania jakością powietrza

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    Decyzje i działania (odpowiedzi) podejmowane na podstawie pełnej i wiarygodnej analizy czynników sprawczych, presji, zmiany parametrów stanu i ich wpływu na środowisko, społeczeństwo oraz gospodarkę mogą z dużym prawdopodobieństwem w długoterminowej perspektywie przynieść pożądane efekty. W artykule opisano model DPSIR (driving forces, pressures, state, impact, responses; odpowiednio: czynniki sprawcze, presje, stan, wpływ, odpowiedzi) służący do szczegółowej analizy interakcji pomiędzy czynnikami antropogenicznymi a środowiskiem. Tworzony model DPSIR będzie skutecznym narzędziem do zarządzania jakością powietrza. W artykule przedstawiono badania prowadzone w Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej, które zostaną wykorzystane jako jedne z wielu danych wejściowych w powstającym modelu DPSIR. Opracowywany model będzie jednym ze składowych zaawansowanego narzędzia tworzonego na AGH, w ramach Obserwatorium Transformacji Energetycznej (OTE), które umożliwi przygotowanie rekomendacji optymalnych działań dotyczących realizacji polityki energetycznej i poprawy jakości powietrza w Polsce

    Human ADSC xenograft through IL-6 secretion activates M2 macrophages responsible for the repair of damaged muscle tissue

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    Background: Adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (ADSCs) are multipotent stromal cells. The cells secrete a number of cytokines and growth factors and show immunoregulatory and proangiogenic properties. Their properties may be used to repair damaged tissues. The aim of our work is to explain the muscle damage repair mechanism with the utilization of the human adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (hADSCs). Methods: For the hADSCs isolation, we used the subcutaneous adipose tissue collected during the surgery. The murine hind limb ischemia was used as a model. The unilateral femoral artery ligation was performed on 10–12-week-old male C57BL/6NCrl and NOD SCID mice. The mice received PBS− (controls) or 1 × 106 hADSCs. One, 3, 7, 14 and 21days after the surgery, we collected the gastrocnemius muscles for the immunohistochemical analysis. The results were analyzed with relevant tests using the Statistica software. Results: The retention time of hADSCs in the limb lasted about 14 days. In the mice receiving hADSCs, the improvement in the functionality of the damaged limb occurred faster than in the control mice. More new blood vessels were formed in the limbs of the mice receiving hADSCs than in limbs of the control mice. hADSCs also increased the infiltration of the macrophages with the M2 phenotype (7-AAD−/CD45+/F4/80+/CD206+) into the ischemic limbs. hADSCs introduced into the limb of mice secreted interleukin-6. This cytokine stimulates the emergence of the proangiogenic M2 macrophages, involved, among others, in the repair of a damaged tissue. Both macrophage depletion and IL-6 blockage suppressed the therapeutic effect of hADSCs. In the mice treated with hADSCs and liposomes with clodronate (macrophages depletion), the number of capillaries formed was lower than in the mice treated with hADSCs alone. Administration of hADSCs to the mice that received siltuximab (human IL-6 blocker) did not cause an influx of the M2 macrophages, and the number of capillaries formed was at the level of the control group, as in contrast to the mice that received only the hADSCs. Conclusions: The proposed mechanism for the repair of the damaged muscle using hADSCs is based on the activity of IL-6. In our opinion, the cytokine, secreted by the hADSCs, stimulates the M2 macrophages responsible for repairing damaged muscle and forming new blood vessels

    Conclusion and annulment of marriage in the light of family and canon law. Comparative legal analysis

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    Niniejsza praca podejmuje tematyka zawarcia oraz unieważnienie małżeństwa w polskim prawie rodzinnym oraz kanonicznym. W pracy zawarte zostało omówienie przesłanek oraz zakazów małżeńskich, a także właściwy proces zawierania małżeństwa oraz jego rozwiązania. Dodatkowo w pracy została zwrócona uwaga na pojęcie konwalidacji małżeństwa, które jest obecne w przepisach prawa kanonicznego.This work deals with the subject of marriage and annulment in Polish family and canon law. The paper discusses the premises and prohibitions of marriage, as well as the proper process of entering into marriage and its dissolution. Additionally, the work focuses on the concept of marriage validation, which is present in the provisions of canon law